Wedding photography: The right stage for the little moments
There is always a touch of magic inherent in wedding photography, which rightly makes it one of the most beautiful types of photography there is - at least for us. Impressive wedding photos require more than craftsmanship and good technology. Passion, intuition and a feel for the big moments on a small scale make for unique pictures that tell stories, relive anecdotes and bring a smile to your face. At the same time, modern wedding photography is also a balancing act. On the one hand, there are atmospheric motifs to stage, while on the other, the focus is on shots that also provide content for the most beautiful pictures.
Getting Ready
Natural wedding photography with great recognition value
Good wedding photography without posed shots and standard motifs is the cornerstone of a wedding reportage in which you can find yourselves as a couple, but also as family or friends, for example. To create these shots and capture the magic of this special day, it is not enough to be present for just a few minutes. That's why we accompany you throughout the day. We are happy to be at your side during the preparations for the wedding ceremony and capture the excitement that comes with it.
Wedding photography thrives on authentic shots
We mingle with the guests for your wedding photography. We observe the wedding ceremony, the joint dinner, but also the exuberant celebration in the evening from different perspectives. We have a soft spot for beautiful detailed photos that ensure that even years later you can still smell the scent of the flowers, feel the sensation of your menu cards between your fingers or relive the tingling sensation of putting on your wedding rings. With our wedding photography, we want to capture your very own story.
Couple Shooting

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